I know what you are thinking... another Firestone beer. But, I cant help it, Firestone Brewery has hit more home runs this year than Babe Ruth! This time I had the privilege to enjoy Abacus, a big barleywine! Abacus has a beautiful rich Copper color and pours thick with beautiful lacing on the glass. On the nose, I pick up hints of raisin, chocolate, and carmel. The first sip produced one thought in my mind... Tiramisu! Flavors of vanilla, brown sugar, carmel, and bourbon fill my pallet. It finishes with a slight coffee and nutty flavor. The carbonation is low to moderate, with a just right mouth feel.
The history behind this beer is as good as it tastes. It all started 3 years ago, Adam and David placed Abacus in Heaven Hill bourbon barrels (Whiskey barrels). For three years, this liquid delight, picked up all the flavors of the bourbon barrels. It may be hard to find, because it was just released a week or two ago.